You and Me You say what say what You say what say what You say what say what talking about me and You that's right that's right You say what say what You say what say what talking about me and You that's right that's right You say what say what You say what say what talking about me and You that's right that's right You say what say what You say what say what(尼位同学) talking about me and you(你系未有滴野想讲啊) 我至细就霖过可以做大学生 不过滴考试 题目实在太难 再加上 我份人 都几甘贪玩 醒觉之后 已经为时已晚 其实甘样 都肿未算惨 投身社会之后 根本唔得闲 系哩个甘辛苦噶环境 好想翻转头 做一个学校噶弟兄 学校生活 真系乐而忘返 朝早上完课 一阵又话食晏 宜家甘讲 好似觉得我好懒 但系好老实 有边个唔贪玩 返工真系比翻学多好多粒种 霖翻以前上堂 真系好轻松(呃啊~) 讲下讲下 自己都有滴嬲 就算宜家想做翻都未必有大学会收 You say what say what You say what say what You say what say what talking about me and You that's right that's right You say what say what You say what say what(甘有滴咩科可以报,甘嘞哈?) talking about me and You 自己噶加减乘除都几失礼 我霖 我都系 读唔到会计 再体下滴麽野会读得ok 但最好唔好叫 我读工商管理 哩科好似 会读得好叹 估唔到有科叫生活消闲(啱我啵尼个) 我骨瘦如材 懒过只猪 某理由叫我读 物流同埋运输 做人行尸走肉得翻个壳 有需要可以 读下心理学(我知...) 同下属沟通 有时好难搞 可以选择一科叫 行政技巧 点样帮自己bb好好成长(点样?) 个科可以报噶 叫食品同营养 其实我甘中意系even度出现 我霖我最好都系 艺术同表演(wassup) You say what say what You say what say what You say what say what talking about me and You that's right that's right You say what say what You say what say what talking about me and You that's right that's right say what say what say what say what talking about me and You that’s right that’s right say what say what sya what say what talking about me and(come on) You 除左上堂肿有课外活动 天文学会 带你探索黑洞(咩野离噶?) 英国文学又有中国文学 滴学会多到遍布所有角落(甘多女?) 不过我都唔属于甘文静 我想参加dance show 因为佢地够劲 再体一体 球类运动都几醒 参加篮球学会 帮我劲过姚明(入樽!) 我都未见过读书有甘好环境 所有大学学生一定会成为精英(加油啊!) 如果你唔够钱读书可以霖霖 努力滴学校肿会呗埋奖学金(多谢啊(哭)) 大学一日游真系大开眼界 如果想报读 行动一定要快(快滴啦) 读完出离成个人唔同噻 充满智慧 面对呢个世界(世界我离啦~!) You say what say what You say what say what talking about me and You that's right that’ right You say what say what You talking about me and You that’s right that’s right You say what say what You say what say what talking about me and You that’s right that’s right You say what say what You say what say what talking about me and You Crazy is over see you tomorrow