Harmony Solo - harmony Wake up Hear the footsteps fall It's only 5 o'clock when they push you down the hall Someone tells you; you're going to be just fine If only you believed it, you'd be fine Waiting There's nothing we can do You're dancing with the shadows in and out of view Someone tells us; the surgeon wants a word My lord your only lifeline wants a word Long gone is that simple song We sang when we were young You were the first one to stir the drum The first to sing along But this time the harmony is mine Echoes of our lives, your life Linger in my head You said; we can get it done Welcome Welcome back my friend You coudl have left for good But here we are as we had planned Better sleep now, for life has just begun I'm sure wel'll meet again, case we've just begun Long gone is that simple song that simple melody You were the first one to sing along and to believe in me But this time the harmony is mine Echoes of our lives, your life Linger in my head You said; we can get it done