We Are Gangster Here comes gangster We aint no monster We're protecting the marginal people Call me gangster don't treat me like monster Put your hands in the air we are all here to stay! Bila sebut gangster,jangan fikir negatif Gagah dan perkasa,tu pasal jiwa sensitif Didefinisi organisasi berposisi satu paksi Bukan pasal tunjuk siapa lagi lansi Penjaga kawasan bertujuan untuk aman Hidup bila sekitar ganas macam hutan Jadi terus pilih jalan dan tak kembali mula kosong melopong kini dah berisi Untuk pelihara diri dan marhaen sekeliling Dari yang menang bertanding kini berpaling Ingat matlamat asal masa awal-awal Jaga adik beradik bukan nak cari pasal Kekuatan menumbuk bukan untuk menunjuk Tau bila perlu nak sengat dan bila berundur Biar parut silang kat muka hati mesti baik Yang tak susahkan orang lain kita kasi tabik Here comes gangster We aint no monster We're protecting the marginal people Call me gangster don't treat me like monster Put your hands up here comes my brother Here comes gangster We aint no monster We're protecting the marginal people Call me gangster don't treat me like monster Put your hands in the air we are all here to stay! 歹势啦!你踏到我的地头 麦跟我假熬 你报你的旗头 麦直直摇头 我一巴掌跟你巴下去你嘛係洨洨 你的大哥看到我 伊面嘛係皱皱 细汉的!你几岁出来七逃? 你看过戏无? 知影人在江湖? 麦跟我讲红毛! 我出来冲的时准 你巴鲁咧呷可可 我出来譬的时候 你跟恁老母呜呜 你的目睭青瞑手贱去创到我的兄弟 你知影无?伊人的代志就是我的代志 我打一通电话 就可以马上乎你毙 你尚好跟我讲清楚 你的脚麦颤 麦交懍恂 出来做歹仔 拢是因为歹命 若好命 谁的囜仔要出来跟你拼命? 我心疼!不是因为你们直直看不起我! 是因为你们不了解我们的心声! Here comes gangster We aint no monster We're protecting the marginal people Call me gangster don't treat me like monster Put your hands up here comes my brother Here comes gangster We aint no monster We're protecting the marginal people Call me gangster don't treat me like monster Put your hands in the air we are all here to stay! (泰米尔语)团结就是力量,不要感到害怕。 为了后代,我们必须团结一致;为了真理,我们必须反抗到底。 这不是一场战役 是保护民族的伟大使命 无论来自什么背景 都必须成为模范榜样 社会的问题太多 感觉到无能为力 所以才要混在一起 抵抗眼前危机 兄弟们共同进退 拒绝当社会垃圾 过去让他过去,勇往直前从不畏惧 为了未来,我们决定奋力一搏 这首歌 让你听了热血沸腾 别置之不理!大家全体起立! 将势力凝聚!决心战斗到底! Here comes gangster We aint no monster We're protecting the marginal people Call me gangster don't treat me like monster Put your hands up here comes my brother Here comes gangster We aint no monster We're protecting the marginal people Call me gangster don't treat me like monster Put your hands in the air we are all here to stay!