Starting Days 雨に日に交わした誓いの約束も 今となっては乾いた言葉   時効なんて無いのに 部屋の隅に置いた飾りのアンディークも 時間も戻せばいつかの傷跡   慰め合える一人の友達 空を飛ぶやり方を教わったって   僕に出来ないんじゃ意味ないや 飛べるまで飛べるまできっと高く飛べるまで   足掻いてみようかな Starting Days 今始まる僕の新たなストーリー Endless Road もう終わらない   果てのない道歩こうと決めた 心のどこかではいつかの空に   願いは届くと信じていたから 過去に描いた未来の自分は   何もかもうまく行くけど ここには何も生まれない 決められたルートもありふれた環境も   僕には無い???だから 飛べるまで飛べるもっと高く飛べるまで   挑んでみようかな Starting Days 歩き出す   空に掲げたメッセージ Endless Road 先の見えない   イバラノ道を歩こうと決めた 心のどこかではいつかの空に   願いは届くと信じていたから 窓越しに映る自分の姿を見えて   笑いたくなるけれど 肝心な事は大切な物はここにある Starting Days 今始まる僕の新たなストーリー Endless Road もう終わらない   果てのない道歩こうと決めた 心のどこかではいつかの空に   願いは届くと信じてい Pledged vows exchanged on a rainy day The words are all dried up now, even though somehow there's no time limit to them Even the antique ornaments placed in the corner of the room If even time could be restored, by myself I'll heal the scars of that day of my friends Being taught to fly to the sky, there's no meaning if I can't do it Until I can fly, until I can fly, until I can definitely fly high, should I try to struggle? Starting Days, it begins now, my new story Endless Road, it isn't over yet, I've decided to walk this endless road Because somewhere in my heart, I believed that I would someday reach my hopes in the sky The future me that I drew in the past went anywhere and everywhere without fail, however Right here, nothing's happening Even the route that was decided was an unsurprising circumstance, it wasn't for me... So Until I can fly, until I can fly, until I can fly higher, should I challenge myself? Starting Days, I start to walk, I wrote a message in the sky Endless Road, what I couldn't see before, I've decided to walk the thorn-laden road Because in my heart, I believed that I would someday reach my hopes in the sky I can see myself reflected over the windowsill, I want to smile, however The essential things are what's important here and now Starting Days, it begins now, my new story Endless Road, it isn't over yet, I've decided to walk this endless road Because in my heart, I believe that I'll reach my hopes in the sky