ANGEL Angel -Funck 是你许下心愿 是你承诺一切 是你甘愿这样过每一天 你也曾不只一次埋怨 在背离现实的梦里逃 是我静听心愿 是我看顾一切 是我甘愿陪你过每一天 我也不曾想要离你走远 更不舍见你拼命地逃 Yes,I'm your Angel from above Staying in your sky high above For all that you said For the role that you play I've got so many to take 也许梦太遥远 也许不会实现 也许你有最忧郁的一张脸 你也曾不只重复一遍 事情不如想象中地糟 也许距离太远 也许不易感觉 也许我给的不能如你所愿 我也希望你有片蓝天 很荣幸陪你一同寻找 Yes,I'm your Angel from above Staying in your sky high above For all that you said For the role that you play I've got so many to take Yes,I'm your Angel from above Staying in your sky high above For all that you said For the role that you play I've got so many to take Yes,I'm your Angel from above Staying in your sky high above For all that you said For the role that you play I've got so many to take Yes,I'm your Angel from above Staying in your sky high above For all that you said For the role that you play I've got so many to take 也许距离太远 也许不易感觉 也许我给的不能如你所愿 我也希望你有片蓝天 很荣幸陪你一同寻找