33 hed p.e - 33 nine hundred ninety seven revolutions gone round the sun the spirits leave as they come rude people-the meek-the young ones wait without fear so near to the year of the new millennium these wide open eyes they look to the sky then they listen for the mission envision One head on collision with the power that be the end of your religion and the begginning of my unity Stay tuned to me, all this is new to me it got me trippin like some LSD We come deep like the sea coming high like the sky Waiting for you and yours to die Here they come, here they come, here they come Little fresh, young little girl I swear she feel like a woman to me All your boys remain boys so mamma run to me she came to me so I had to turn the trick out slappin that ass bitin them baby backs downto the bone, we in a zone yo Been on the road so long don't know when to go home yo Cross the state line to Cali. deep in Orange County If ya don. t know **** about me don. t doubt me Here they come, here they come, here they come And when we come we come we come hard yeah And when we come we come come correct And when we come we come we come hard yeah And when we come we must come correct And when we come we come hard yeah And when we come we come come correct And when we come we come hard And when we come we must come motherfukin correct!! My one greatest nemesis enemy is me versus me in a battle to the death Hear my tale rattle feel the heat of my breath on the back of my own neck my heart pound in my chest no rest no trust no hope this nigger can. t cope this **** got me schizo The son should. ve listened to his mother from the get go now he get no got no love stuck up on your back like a beetlebug nigger here they come, here they come, here they come