Russian Government Process (From “Stories From Norway”) Russian Government Process -Ylvis When you are saving You will facial colors bound dens It must be handle with procession and finance It may seem a big complex But it's simple just relax When you follow Russian government process Falling stakes Cutting ticket Standing silent Sealing vailing Roche market Won't come violent Russian government process New design in fact But then process back Equal I forget Asking for a raise Keep it tape it for the night it saw the tiger double trigger Russian government process No no no Too fast Where do I put this application for Taking your information to the colors find the session In the class follow cation I won't can like sex Stop it Drop it Thinking taking Toss cause Think it think it Russian government process You see not so hard Just let go relax And system will guide you All you have to do is La la la Lunch time New boy you take lunch for now What I have fish rargu I won't ask most jokes Old get no for me make it glue den free Wait I'm a pie I'll be yard And gin blame Leaf dada Lunch time order in process Too fast Busy I'm far Double on this white If in my chicken Double could be quite You live surprise maybe quite surprise Actual Russian know my light You got it No Good Bik tuak What Goodbye Hello Starving laking tossing laking Russian government process You luck