Finite Now don't go walking towards the light, life is only finite, finite... yeah... You know we love to play with fire, burning up the cold nights, the cold nights... Yeah... In and out of breath I'm staring into death, lay down with the liar... Chemical effect, we're falling neck to neck, the page and the writer... Now don't go walking towards the light, life is only finite ,(finite...) finite... (finite...)yeah... You know we love to play with fire, burning up the cold nights, (cold nights...) the cold nights... (cold nights...)yeah... Get back! Your words mean nothing to me! maybe a relapse is what I need. Lost love, no coming back for me! Finite grip to your sanity. In and out of stress and make another mess, the things we desire. Running through my chest, the right lung and the left, no way to go higher. Now don't go walking towards the light, life is only finite, finite... yeah... You know we love to play with fire, burning up the cold nights, the cold nights... Yeah... Get high and pretend like I'm just not here! Middle fingers to the sky, once you die, hope you realize!(Realize!) **** up and pretend like I'm just not here! Middle fingers to the sky, once you die, it's suicide!(It's suicide! ) If all this thing comes pouring back to me. Now say I didn't need my mind. It's all a dream, I'm standing on my feet. Now say I wouldn't miss your eyes. Now don't go walking towards the light, life is only finite, finite... yeah You know we love to play with fire, burning up the cold nights, the cold nights... yeah If all this thing comes pouring back to me, It's only finite, finite,yeah... It's all a dream, I'm standing on my feet. Burning up the cold nights, the cold night... If you do what you have realize yet! stop your lips don't come back to me again! Lost nerve, no coming back for me! Finite!