Partyin\' Peeps We drive all night through rain We drive a van that's plain You'll never believe who's in it We come from miles afar We hang in smokey bars 17th smoke is in it Big boobs and balls-out crowds Your sister's screaming loud Movin' her pelvis to it We're shouting on the stage Expelling senseless rage The taxi'll take you to it My hands are feeling skinned I want to be let in Heard some good things about it Our buzz won't let us be We've got to be set free Kickin the bass'll do it A beer bong set you straight My stomach's so irate B-linen for the toilet Come back a brand new soul Stuffin' a different hole Partyin' peeps'll do it The beat is kickin in We've got a second wind Stuffin z-nose with bullet Although it's getting late There's something on your plate The waitress'll bring you to it