Artificial Intelligence Those were the years after the ice caps had melted... because of the greenhouse gases, and the oceans had risen to drown so many cities... along all the shorelines of the world. Amsterdam, Venice, New York... forever lost. Millions of people were displaced. Climates became chaotic. Hundreds of millions of people starved in poorer countries. Elsewhere, a high degree of prosperity survived... when most governments in the developed world... introduced legal sanctions to strictly license pregnancies, which was why robots, who are never hungry and who did not consume resources... beyond those of their first manufacture, were so essential an economic link... in the chain mail of society. To create an artificial being has been the dream of man... since the birth of science Not merely the beginning of the modern age... when our forbearers astonished the world with the first thinking machines... primitive monsters that could play chess The artificial being... The artificial being is a reality... of perfect simulacrum... articulated in limb articulate in speech... and not lacking in human response A sensory toy... with intelligent behavioral circuits... using neurone-sequencing technology... as old as I am I believe that my work on mapping the impulse pathways in a single neurone... can enable us to construct... a Mecha of a qualitatively different order We build a robot... who can love. Is it a game? Now, I'm gonna read some words And, uh, they won't make any sense but I want you to listen to them anyway... and look at me all the time Can you do that? Yes, Monica