Currents In this sea of change understanding is our shore I disappear with no control The current is strong my arms are weak But you are the branch within my reach Though I cannot catch my breath Pull me back to shore I'll never reach my place never reach my place Pull me back to shore I'll never reach my place I'll never reach my place The current is strong my arms are weak But you are the branch within my reach In this sea of chance understanding was swept away Pull me back to shore I'll never reach my place I'll never reach my place Pull me back to shore I'll never reach my place I'll never reach my place With everything I have I reach out my hands There's nothing to give I seem to have no direction I have no control No way to know where currents pull All the weight of my intentions Are making it so hard to breathe at all I see in you coastlines reaching out When there's nothing left to reach Pull me back to shore I'll never reach my place I'll never reach my place Pull me back to shore I'll never reach my place I'll never reach my place