Noble Aim Chances are we are the same Against the odds, against the grain We lean, like gardens toward light But we wait, like evening for night Don't we? Chances are we are alike Against what better judgement writes We ache like children for love For a purpose worthy of Such a noble aim Such a noble aim Such a noble aim as love Chances are we bruise the same A family tree desperate for rain A thirst only deserts know best A hurt so at home in our chests Call it stubbornness or bravery To let our branches continue to reach With such a noble aim With such a noble aim With such a noble aim as love Every broken branch and loosened leaf That we've grown to ignore Is now a part of something greater than before Every nest that rests upon our limbs Seeking shelter from the storms Is a purpose worth being broken for Being broken for Chances are we are the same Against the odds, against the grain We lean, like gardens toward light We reach with all of our might For such a noble aim as love