Atlas: Touch When will I feel this As vivid as it truly is Fall in love in a single touch, And fall apart when it hurts too much. Can we skip past near-death cliches? Where my heart restarts as my life replays. All I want is to flip a switch Before something breaks that cannot be fixed. I know, I know, the sirens sound Just before the walls come down. Pain is a well-intentioned weatherman, Predicting God as best he can. But, God, I want to feel again. Rain or shine, I don't feel a thing, Just some information upon my skin. I miss the subtle aches When the weather changed. The barometric pressure we always blamed. Invisible machinery, These moving parts inside of me Well they've been shutting down for quite some time, Leaving only rust behind. Well, I know, I know, the sirens sound Oh, God, I want to feel again. Down my arms, A thousand satellites Suddenly discover signs of life.