Snakecharmer Satellites and, pair of mirrors and, and a man without a home With a horse, and a rider, and a clever, cunning killer Silent in error and vocal in spotlights Lying always sucking on a bottle of, that sweet, indulgent fluid Oh greed oh yes oh greed oh yes! Oh greed oh yes Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Your friendship is a fog That disappears when the wind redirects You! Yes you! Fathers expectations, soul soaked in, spit and urine And you gotta make it where? To a sanctuary thats a fragile american hell An empty dream A selfish, horrific vision Passed on like the deadliest of viruses Crushing you and your naive profession Have no illusions boy Vomit all ideals and serve Sleep and wake and serve And dont just think just wake and serve Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Your friendship is a fog That disappears when the wind redirects You! interested in you, interested in you Interested in you, interested in you...