Pilcher\'s Squad Sgt. Pilcher, Sgt. Pilcher, ingenious Sgt. Pilcher He's found a way to make them pay For the deviant things they do and say Pilcher, Sgt. Pilcher, quick-witted Sgt. Pilcher He's a dutiful man with his task at hand And he's bound to insure with his master plan The purity of the motherland, Sgt. Pilcher In October of 1968 in the heart of Montague Square There was rumor of some deviation So Pilcher's Squad was there Though it was determined before the intrudence The flat was fully clear When Pilcher arrived and made his inspection The hashing magically appeared Sgt. Pilcher, Sgt. Pilcher, ingenious Sgt. Pilcher He's found a way to make them pay For the deviant things they do and say Pilcher, Sgt. Pilcher, quick-witted Sgt. Pilcher He's a dutiful man with his task at hand And he's bound to insure with his master plan The purity of the motherland, Sgt. Pilcher In March of 1969 on return from the store Patty Harrison found Pilcher's squad waiting at her door Planting tidbits on the pop-stars seemed quite the thing to do ' Till it landed Pilcher in the pokie in 1972 Sgt. Pilcher, Sgt. Pilcher, ingenious Sgt. Pilcher He's found a way to make them pay For the deviant things they do and say Pilcher, Sgt. Pilcher, quick-witted Sgt. Pilcher He's a dutiful man with his task at hand And he's bound to insure with his master plan The purity of the motherland, Sgt. Pilcher