Futz Said Julie There we stood on our dark and isolated planetoid Shivering like a San Andreas windowpane. Suddenly looking up and seeing for the first time The high, suspended moon. Vain attempts with rocks to dislodge the thing Failed like spring-loaded boots and cowboy lassoing. Suddenly we heard Julie for the very first time And her voice was warm as June. She said, "What you need is a rocket, but a rocket's not an easy thing to make." "We got one," we said, "It's too low on gas," "To get three feet above the grass." And Julie said "Futz", "Futz" said Julie. "Futz around until my return." The definition of "futz" was something we had yet to learn, But we tried to do it anyway, anyway, ' Cause Julie, we'll do anything you say. We perused our ramshackle rocket ship (Dadadadadadada) We observed is meriad requirements We saw it needed a stronger hull and electrical boosts and a years worth of supplies! Well, the news spread out like an Octopus (Dadadadada) And in time I attracted a following A Following made of freaks and geeks Of the very best kind, to enable us to fly! What we had was a rocket when we finished. But a rocket's incomplete With empty tanks, it's too low on gas To get three feet above the grass. And Julie said "Futz", "Futz" said Julie. "Futz around until my return." The definition of "futz" was something we had yet to learn, But we tried to do it anyway, anyway, ' Cause Julie, we'll do anything you say. Moms, dads, people that we never see, People that we otherwise would never hang around with, No battalion, every general stands alone Moms, dads, people that we never see, People that we otherwise would never hang around with, No battalion, every general stands alone Be strong, be honest, try to keep your nose clean Julie's coming back with gasoline, yeah (yeah!) And Julie said "Futz", "Futz" said Julie. "Futz around until my return." The definition of "futz" was something we had yet to learn, But we tried to do it anyway, anyway, ' Cause Julie, we'll do anything you say. And Julie said "Futz", "Futz" said Julie. "Futz around until my return." The definition of "futz" was something we had yet to learn, But we tried to do it anyway, anyway, ' Cause Julie, we'll do anything you say. But we tried to do it anyway, anyway, ' Cause Julie, we'll do anything you say... Whoa whoa whoa...