Cane Field In The Wind II 作词 : Bloody Woods 作曲 : Bloody Woods Cane Field In The Wind II 风中的甘蔗林 When a young man was resting, he heard a spirit calling: “Follow me, you will find what you want to see…” The fanciful story’s about to be told It happened in the cane field in the wind... A beautiful maiden was sleeping in the field, Enthralled by a spell, the young man kissed her lips. She opened her tear-stained eyes and said: “It’s a test of love’s bitter or sweet.” She was the one that had been cursed by an evil tyrant. All the men who fell in love with her would despond. Her body burst into flames with the sweet kiss. The bone ashes were flying as they condemned the king’s sins... The story that I told may be false or true. If you believe it, you will feel sad or rejoice. But love will always be sweet, as everyone sees. All the secrets in the cane field in the wind... (This is the story about the color that happens in the Bloody Woods, love but hate... As time goes by, people gradually forget it… But I don’t know why… I still remember…still remember the flower pool in my dreams...) 当一位男子在劳作中休息,他听到了精灵的呼唤: 跟我来吧,你将找到你想要的一切… 这奇幻的故事即将在这一片风中的甘蔗林中发生… 一位美丽的处女在林中长眠, 在咒语的催眠下,男子情不自禁的吻了她。 她睁开泪水朦胧的双眼说到: 这一切只是为了应验爱情的苦涩与甜蜜… 她被邪恶的君王诅咒, 所有爱上她的男人都将是失望的下场, 她的身体在甜蜜的吻中化为灰烬, 骨灰漫天飞舞控诉着君王的罪恶。 我讲的这个故事也许虚假也许真实, 如果你相信这一切,你将感觉到悲伤或喜悦。 但爱终会像我们看到那样甜蜜, 所有的秘密都在那一片风中的甘蔗林里… (“色彩”里所有的故事都发生在血森林里,有爱也有恨。时光飞逝,当人们忘记了这一切的时候,我却仍然记得,记得那一片曾在我梦中出现的花湖…)