Game of War Game of War (争游戏)-Of Mice &Men Cold world isolating Cold soul what happened to that fire inside Structure ever fading Old bones can't the weight though I still try I've been waiting for the war to end Are we ending to begin again If patience is so virtuous then maybe I'll be damned Cruel world captivating Hollow eternal love from the inside Rapture condescension Old ties can't take much more though I still try I've been waiting for the war to end But are we ending to begin again If patience is so virtuous then maybe I'll be damned I'll be damned I'll be damned I'll be damned I'll be damned Been waiting for the war to end We're just fighting just to lose again In the scheme of war no one f**king wins Just the one who's left and the one who's dead Just the one who's left and the one who's dead