For Fiona I can't even think of words to match the way I'm feeling 我想不到任何更适合的句子来形容我现在的感觉了 I don't even think a book could say enough for you 我想不出任何书上所教授的词句能否足以形容你 I can only try my best, to put it in a song I guess 我想,我尽力把我最好的一面用一首歌的方式表现出来 You try to speak, I know you tell the truth 你的朱唇微啟,我知道你将说出你最真实的感受 If I could freeze our small amount of time together 如果我将时间冻结在我们难能可贵的短暂相处时光 Then we could make believe this world would never end (make believe this world would never end) 那麼我们便可以相信,这美好的两人世界的时光是不会结束的(相信这不会结束) Unfortunately truth is cold 不幸的是,现实总是残酷的 So you stay young while I get old 直到我年华老去时你仍常保年轻貌美 But always know, I'm your best friend 但我总知道,我仍是你最好的朋友 Nothing is the same 这没什麼好害臊的 Everything is a better change 任何糟糕的事都有可能扭转乾坤 Sometimes I see silence in your eyes 有时我望见你双眼裡的静默 Let it all crash down 让我们击溃这尷尬僵局的时候 When it ends it begins with you 便是我俩共谱鸳鸯的时刻 I'm gonna learn every time you do 我会為你学习任何能够為你做的事 And I'm as scared as anybody who has done this 我曾像过去那些人一样担心害怕 I wouldn't give it up for nothing free 但我从未放弃我所付出的努力 You took my life, turned it around 你就这样闯入了我的人生,把我的心填的满满 And put my feet back on the ground 让我脚踏实地面对 I owe you, eternally 这是我一直亏欠你的地方 Nothing is the same 这没什麼好害臊的 Everything is a better change 所有糟糕的事都可以扭转乾坤 Sometimes I see silence in your eyes 有时我望见你双眼裡的静默 Let it all crash down 让我们击溃这尷尬僵局的时候 When it ends it begins with you 便是我俩共谱鸳鸯的时刻 I'm gonna learn every time you do 我会為你学习任何能够為你做的事 I'm always 我总是 I'm always 我总是 I'm always here 我总在你的身边 I'm always 我总是 I'm always 我总是 I'm always here 我总在你的身边守护着 Nothing is the same 这没什麼好害臊的 Everything is a better change 所有糟糕的事都有可以扭转乾坤 Sometimes I see silence in your eyes 有时我望见你双眼裡的静默 Let it all crash down 让我们击溃这尷尬僵局的时候 When it ends it begins with you 便是我俩共谱鸳鸯的时刻 I'm gonna learn every time you do 我会為你学习任何能够為你做的事