Glorious (Tait Version) And if I sing out in the dark of night Or praise You in the light of dawn Hear my song And lift me on Your wings And if I worship You in solitude Or join a choir ten thousand strong Hear my song Till all creation sings Glorious Shining so glorious Though I stumble, though I fall You remain glorious Towards Your light I come running, I come running Into Your arms I come running, I come running You have searched me You have known my heart You've heard my every anxious thought Hear my song It's all I have to bring Though the battles come, this much is known The victory's won by You alone Hear my song My Savior and My King I'm singing Glorious Shining so glorious Though I stumble, though I fall You remain glorious Towards Your light I come running, I come running Into Your arms I come running, I come running Every faithless mission Every false ambition Here, I lay them at Your feet As in heaven, as on earth I will ever sing Your worth You alone make me complete Glorious Shining so glorious Though I stumble, though I fall You remain glorious Towards Your light I come running, I come running Oh, into Your arms I come running, I come running Glorious Shining so glorious Though I stumble, though I fall You remain glorious Towards Your light I come running, I come running Into Your arms I come running, I come running Oh, towards Your light I come running, I come running Yeah, into Your arms I come running, I come running Oh~