Bitter Pill Bitter pill- Motley Crue And the label said take two for the pain So now I medicate my brain The conflict rubs against my grain But I cannot flush this down the drain We are so hopeless We are so hopelessly in love She breaks my will Shes my bitter pill Addicted to her Cant fight off the chill Shes blurs my world Shes my bitter pill We creep the night Just to taste the thrill Hopelessly in love Shes the kind of love drives a man insane She sticks her poison right in my vien Spinning around Over and upside down in love She breaks my will Shes my bitter pill Addicted to her Cant fight off the chill Shes blurs my world Shes my bitter pill We creep the night Just to taste the thrill Hopelessly in love She blurs my world Shes my bitter pill She breaks my will Shes my bitter pill We creep the night Just to taste the thrill Addicted to her Shes my bitter pill my bitter pill my bitter pill my bitter pill my bitter pill my bitter pill my bitter pill my bitter pill