Then Shall the Eyes of the Blind Be Open\'d Then Shall the Eyes of the Blind Be Opened(Contralto)(Isaiah 35:5-6) Then shall the eyes of the blind be opened And the ears of the deaf unstopped Then shall the lame man leap as a hart And the tongue of the dumb shall sing He Shall Feed His Flock Like A Shepherd(Contralto&Soprano) He shall feed his flock like a shepherd And he shall gather the lambs with his arm with His arm He shall feed his flock like a shepherd And He shall gather the lambs with his arm with his arm And carry them in his bosom And gently lead those that are with young And gently lead And gently lead those that are with young(Isaiah 40:11) Come unto him All ye that labor Come unto him That are heavy laden And he will give you rest Come unto him All ye that labor Come unto him That are heavy laden And he will give you rest Take his yoke upon you And learn of him For he is meek And lowly of heart And ye shall find rest And ye shall find rest Unto your souls Take his yoke upon you And learn of him For he is meek And lowly of heart And ye shall find rest And ye shall find rest Unto your souls(Matthew 11:28-29)