Rejoice Greatly, O Daughter of Zion Rejoice Greatly,O Daughterof Zion(Soprano)(Zachariah 9:9) Rejoice,rejoice Rejoice greatly Rejoice O daughter of Zion O daughter of Zion Rejoice,rejoice Rejoice O daughter of Zion Rejoice greatly Shout,O daughter of Jerusalem Behold,thy king cometh unto thee Behold,thy king cometh unto thee Cometh unto thee He is the righteous savior And He shall speak peace unto the heathen He shall speak peace He shall speak peace Peace He shall speak peace unto the heathen He is the righteous savior And He shall speak He shall speak peace Peace He shall speak peace unto the heathen Rejoice,rejoice Rejoice greatly Rejoice greatly O daughter of Zion Shout,O daughter of Jerusalem Behold,thy king cometh unto thee Rejoice,rejoice Shout,shout,shout,shout Rejoice greatly Rejoice greatly,O daughter of Zion Shout,O daughter of Jerusalem Behold,thy king cometh unto thee Behold,thy king cometh unto thee