Forget You i c u drivin round town with the gurl i love and im lik 4get ui guess the change in my pocket wasnt enough im like 4get u and 4get her 2say if i was richer id still b with her ha aint that somethinso now theres pain in my chest wishin u wer the best with a forget younow im srry i cant afford a farari but that dont mean i cant get u thereha i guess an xbox or a mor im srry the way u playin ure game in thereha i pity the fool theres nothin wrong with u nowoh oh shes a goldiggerwell just thought u should knowoooh ive got some news 4 uyah go run and tell ure little boyfriend(refrain)now baby baby baby y'd u wanna wanna hurt me so bad so bad so bad so baaadi tried 2 tell my mama but she told me this is 1 4 ure dad ure dad ure dad ure dadand i wuz like uh y uh y uh y lady i love u i still love you ohhhh(refrain)