The Worst Hotel The worst hotel in which I did stay Was the Gilman House in Innsmouth, M.A. The bed where I lay reeking of cod On a strange winter's night in Innsmouth was odd. Hotel from hell, hotel, oh well, Checked in a room with a fishy smell. The bald concierge so loudly did croak, "We do not take kindly to no city folk!" He scowled and he glared through distended eyes, Like a fish that was wearing a human disguise. Hotel, that smell, hotel, oh hell, Everything had a rotten squid smell. I called down to room service for food. A hideous woman delivered it nude. She belched through her gills, "Take me for wife!" I fled out of Innsmouth afraid for my life. Hotel from hell, hotel, that smell! Run for my life from that ichthyic smell.