Hold Back The Rain I've been here before, and I'll be here again I've seen my life go up and down, around and round Just to land right back here in your hands And good times may come and go We may be the last to know I know You're quiet the storm Hold back the rain, hold back the wind Hold back the enemy I can't defend against With you by my side, I know how this ends You saved me before, and you'll save me again And you'll save me again Sometimes I won't escape the flood, so let me drown inside your love I know you'll save this voyager from he who would harm me And so I'll stand against the wind, the waves beat against my skin And I'll scream, he'll never win, so get thee behind me Hard times come and go We may be the last to know I know You're quiet the storm Hold back the rain, hold back the wind Hold back the enemy I can't defend against With you by my side, I know how this ends You saved me before, and you'll save me again ohohohohohohohohohoh~~~~~ Hold back the rain, hold back the wind Hold back the enemy I can't defend against With you by my side, I know how this ends You saved me before, and you'll save me again You'll save me again When I don't know where I'm going, don't know what I'm doing I know that I got you by my side When I feel I'm used up and no longer good That's when that's when you'll save me again When I feel I'm used up and don't know where to go That's when you'll save me again Hold back the rain