Full Moon both man and beast infest the heavens with all profane forever held as the least by the circle of the lunar damn - all - who damned shall be you've all forsaken the ways of the unseen - of the unseen another moon crowns the sky so perfect white and cold it shines as first and last it reigns as first and last unstained cloak and dagger - we hide the sands of time for the faith has now ceased as the twilight is unleashed damn - all - who damned shall be you've all forsaken the ways of the unseen -o f the unseen another moon crowns the sky so perfect white and cold it shines as first and last it reigns as first and last unstained a biblical sign at the end of time moon shines red nowhere to run there is nowhere to hide behold the wakening of the dead - of the dead be sure to pray salvation - from high above not from god and his angels but from the moon and its calling another moon crowns the sky so perfect white and cold it shines as first and last it reigns as first and last unstained