What We\'re Gonna Do About It 作曲 : DuBois, Miller Ok, picture this: I'm standing in the world's longest line at Starbucks You know the one down on Yeah right that one Anyway, I'm standing there I'm half asleep, of coruse no make-up on And this guy I've never seen before taps me on the shoulder I turn around and he says! Did you know there's 35 Starbucks and 3 million people in Atlanta The odds of you and me being in the very same line are staggering Is it coincidence or is there a power bigger than you and me That made us both crave a three dollar cup of coffee How lame is that? And that's not the end of it, before I could say anything he goes: Hey, hey, hey tell me can you feel it It's filling up the room, there's something going on See that little speaker in the ceiling Listen real close it's playing our song Looks like fate has finally found us It's got us surrounded So tell me What we're gonna do about it He started singing! there's some strange guy in Starbucks singing to me in line Everybody's staring I was so embarassed and I'm thinking who is this freak! I know what you're thinking You're thinking man this guy's a total freak You think the case I'm making for destiny is a little weak Well your shirt is yellow, my shirt is blue, my favorite color's green Pretty amazing if you know what I mean Well no, I don't know what that means! What does that mean? Hey, hey, hey tell me can you feel it It's filling up the room, there's something going on See that little speaker in the ceiling Listen real close it's playing our song Looks like fate has finally found us It's got us surrounded So tell me What we're gonna do about it Come on now you have to admit We couldn't have written a better script What a great story to tell our kids Hey, hey, hey tell me can you feel it It's filling up the room, there's something going on See that little speaker in the ceiling Listen real close it's playing our song Looks like fate has finally found us It's got us surrounded So tell me What we're gonna do about it True story, I know, I couldn't believe it either What does he look like? Well I'll put it to you like this: I've got to go he's gonna be here any minute No I'm not kidding! I'm serious, I've got to go, I'll call you later Okay, bye