The Queen and the Soldier (Live) 作曲 : S.Vega The soldier came knocking upon the queen's door He said, "I am not fighting for you any more" The queen knew she'd seen his face someplace before And slowly she let him inside. He said, "I've watched your palace up here on the hill And I've wondered who's the woman for whom we all kill But I am leaving tomorrow and you can do what you will Only first I am asking you why." Down in the long narrow hall he was led Into her rooms with her tapestries red And she never once took the crown from her head She asked him there to sit down. He said, "I see you now, and you are so very young But I've seen more battles lost than I have battles won And I've got this intuition, says it's all for your fun And now will you tell me why?" The young queen, she fixed him with an arrogant eye She said, "You won't understand, and you may as well not try" But her face was a child's, and he thought she would cry But she closed herself up like a fan. And she said, "I've swallowed a secret burning thread It cuts me inside, and often I've bled" He laid his hand then on top of her head And he bowed her down to the ground. "Tell me how hungry are you? How weak you must feel As you are living here alone, and you are never revealed But I won't march again on your battlefield" And he took her to the window to see. And the sun, it was gold, though the sky, it was gray And she wanted more than she ever could say But she knew how it frightened her, and she turned away And would not look at his face again. And he said, "I want to live as an honest man To get all I deserve and to give all I can And to love a young woman who I don't understand Your highness, your ways are very strange." But the crown, it had fallen, and she thought she would break And she stood there, ashamed of the way her heart ached She took him to the doorstep and she asked him to wait She would only be a moment inside. Out in the distance her order was heard And the soldier was killed, still waiting for her word And while the queen went on strangeling in the solitude she preferred The battle continued on 士兵叩响了他的女皇的门环 他说,从此你再见不到我在战场上为你沥胆披肝 女皇注视着他似曾相识的脸盘 慢慢地侧过身去,把门给他敞开了 他说道,"我曾经在山顶上纵看你光辉的殿堂, 也猜想过那个我们为之浴血的女人的模样, 但我终于下定决心离开,不再充任你的辔缰; 只是,离开之前,我想先问你一件事。" 女皇引他走过穹顶下幽深的回廊 走进她挂着鲜红壁毯的内房 这个从不肯取下皇冠的君王 向士兵说,"坐吧。" 他说,"听我说,你这年轻的女郎, 我们在战场上的每次胜利都被接踵的溃败埋葬, 可我的心灵告诉我,我们的苦难竟只是被你捧在手上玩赏 我想知道,为什么?" 年轻的女皇向他投去高傲的目光, 她说,"你无法明白这广阔的道理,所以也不用妄想。" 看着她孩子般的面孔,他猜,她很快就有眼泪流淌 但她恢复了,如同磐石挺立 她说,"你可知道我如熔铁在胸的痛苦? 你可知道它在我体内愤怒地铿锵,激荡着我的血液发出号呼?" 他忍不住伸出手去按下她高昂的头颅 她弯下腰,看到了大地 "你心中究竟有多少渴望?我不相信你竟没有忧愁, 当你在自己广袤的王国里孤独地行走,胸中却是满腔的激流? 但我的心意已决,在你的权杖下不再淹留," 他把她带到窗前看着远方。 绚烂的红日震慑着苍白的天空, 那灿烂的光流里蒸腾着她从未想象过的冲动 她慌乱地转过身去,眼中满是惊悚 再也没有勇气正视她的士兵 只听他说,"我将离开,我要做一个正直的人, 我会用真诚推动我生活的陶轮, 我还想用心灵去钟爱一个神秘的灵魂; 陛下,您真是一个奇怪的女性。" 皇冠已经跌落在地,她觉得她的身体也将迸碎 但是她仍然站在那里,为她内心的波澜感到羞愧 她让他到门口的台阶上稍做徘徊 她说,你先等我一会儿 远远地传来女王的号令 可怜的士兵被处决的时候,还在等着他的女皇的嘤咛 她选择了在孤独中继续挣扎她的生命 而大地上的战争,在继续