Kyrie Eleison KYRIE ELEISON Back off ol ´Vampire Here comes the little Irish vampire slayer dried-eyed KYRIE ELEISON Back off ol ´oppressor back of those who ´ve got most of the lier Here comes the little Irish vampire slayer walk off old Vampire CHRISTE ELEISON People joy for annoyance and some old style on vegetables Generations who went to us house for crazyness -King of kings- Coming to us house as I ´s asleep -and the lord of lords- Be thankfull of this I was purified Blesses Isle of me -Jah- Praise the allmighty Isle LORD HAVE MERCY And down goes Babylon -King of kings-through our weakness-bond He has mercy fire Jah MERCY He has mercy MERCY Jah Rastafari Motha and Fatha of the creation CHANT DOWN BABYLON Wonderland LORD HAVE MERCY Fire away listen up listen up the man CHANT DOWN BABYLON Who threw up the country one step step away of sinners Wonderland MERCY Who else gonna see him with the scarve CHANT DOWN BABYLON That ´ll be in the lights of the law of the allmighty MERCY And these law that ´ll meditate the ending CHANT DOWN BABYLON Sinfull