Broken Flag (Digitally Remastered 1996) Nodding though, the lamp's lit low, nod for passers underground To and fro, she's darning and the land is weeping red and pale Weeping yarn from Algiers, weeping yarn from AlgiersWeaving though, the eyes are pale, what will rend, will also mend The sifting cloth is binding and the dream she weaves will never end For we're marching toward Algiers, for we're marching toward AlgiersLullaby though, baby's gone, lullaby a broken song Oh, the cradle was our call, when it rocked we carried on And we marched on toward Algiers, for we're marching for AlgiersWe're still marching for Algiers, marching, marching for AlgiersNot to hail a barren sky, sifting cloth is weeping red The mourning veil is waving high a field of stars and tears we've shed In the sky a broken flag, children wave and raise their arms We'll be gone but they'll go on and on and on and on and on