Nursery Rhyme of Innocence and Experience I had a silver penny And an apricot tree And I said to the sailor On the white quay Sailor O sailor Will you bring me If I give you my penny And my apricot tree A fez from Algeria An Arab drum to beat A little gilt sword And a Parakeet And he smiled and He kissed me As strong as death And I saw his red tongue And I felt his sweet breath You may keep your penny And your apricot tree And I'll bring your presents Back from sea Back from sea The ship dipped down On the rim of the sky And I waited while three Long summers went by Three Long summers went by Then one steel morning On the white quay I saw a grey ship Come in from sea Slowly she came Across the bay For her flashing rigging Was shot away All round her wake The seabirds Cried And flew in and out Of the hole in her side Slowly she came In the path of the sun And I heard the sound Of a distant gun Of a distant gun And a stranger came Running Up to me From the deck of the ship And he said said he Are you the boy Who would wait on the quay With the silver penny And the apricot tree I've a plum-coloured fez And a drum for thee And a sword And a parakeet From over the sea Where is the sailor With bold red hair And what is that volley On the bright air And where are the other Girls and boys Why have you brought me Children's toys Brought me Children's toys