Paradisia 作曲 : Korsback Once upon a time we had a world called "Paradisia". A world with no tears no fear, no greed no hate. But one day the earthpeople came, Took our pride and made us their slaves, They also messed up with,- Paradisias fate. We all felt the pain, we cried, and prayed to our distant gods. We needed strength and power to fight back. ' Cause the people from earth destroyed their own world, They burned out their beautiful seas. Now they're bringing to us,- Mankinds disease. We didn't stand up to fight these men. We wanted peace and harmony. PARADISIA WAS OUR HO ME, IT WAS OUR LIFE, OUR WORLD, OUR PARADI SE. AND I KNOW, THAT WE CAN BRI NG, OUR LI VES- BACK INTO LIGHT! Our sirens are screaming so loud, we can't even hear our cries. And maybe we won't live another day. As time's passing by we cannot deny, That Paradisia's going to die. So fighting for our world is the only way. Now we will stand up to fight these men. They wanted war- Now it shall be! PARADISIA REMAINS OU R HOME, WI LL BE OUR LIFE, OUR WORLD, OUR PARADISE. AND I KNOW THAT WE CA N BRING, O UR LIVES- BACK INTO LIGHT! [SOLO: Both] [REPEAT: Bridge II & Chorus II]