Ghetto here are places in Havannah, That remind me of Savannah. Parts of West Virgina, That might as well be Kenya. Parts of New York City, Parts of Mississippi. ]Parts of Tennessee, Look like another world to me. Oh, oh oh, Ghetto-o-o-o, Might as well be another country. Barrio-o-o-o, Might as well be another country. When you look around, You live in another country To be hungry in L.A. Is just like starving in Bombay. Homeless in Moracco, [Is a shelter in Chicago. [Right around the corner, Just down the road. Right before your eyes, Right under your nose. Hey, the ghetto-o-o-o Might as well be another country. Barrio-o-o-o, Might as well be another country. When you look around, You live in another country too . Now the dictionary says, That the ghetto is a place Of minority, and poverty, and over population. We live on this earth together, Ain't no separation. When you're looking down, From outer space. We're just a human race and the world is a Ghetto-o-o-o, Listen every place and every country. Barrio-o-o-o, It's in every place and every country. 0]When you look around, Do you see your brother when you Look around? It's a small world after all. Look around, You live in another country too. Jamaica is a ghetto Japan is a ghetto Slovakia's a ghetto South Africa's a ghetto Ghetto