Sons of Lightning They call us the sons of lighting And if you ever die, we'll be living through The flash she falls behind us We are leaving everything that we we've been clinging to Just let our minds go Just let our minds go We've been here before So our souls are not lost Just let our minds go Just let our minds go We've been here before So our souls are not lost I last the years of trapment No use for time on the other side of blue The colours would come and find us Clear has chain and no one ever listens to Just let our minds go Just let our minds go We've been here before So our souls are not lost Just let our minds go Just let our minds go We've been here before So our souls are not lost Oh In seven dreams We'll be waking up Becoming kings Ohhh Were beating the drums running into the grounds To be never be found again We've been here before So our souls are not lost Just let our minds go Just let our minds go We've been here before So our souls are not lost