Pretty Boy Floyd 转载须注明,谢谢。 Pretty Boy Floyd 俊小子弗洛伊德 Woody Guthrie 伍迪·格思里 If you'll gather 'round me, children, 孩子们,都围拢过来, A story I will tell 我有个故事要讲给你们听, 'Bout Pretty Boy Floyd, an outlaw, 说的是亡命徒“俊小子弗洛伊德”, Oklahoma knew him well. 俄克拉荷马都熟知他的威名。 It was in the town of Shawnee, 我想那是在肖尼镇上, A Saturday afternoon, 一个周六的午后里, His wife beside him in his wagon 他和妻子并排驾着马车, As into town they rode. 一起往闹市区驶去。 There a deputy sheriff approached him 一个代理长官向他走近, In a manner rather rude, 态度蛮横不已, Vulgar words of anger, 说着粗鄙下流的话, An' his wife she overheard. 传到了他妻子耳朵里。 Pretty Boy grabbed a log chain, 俊小子弗洛伊德抓起铁链子, And the deputy grabbed his gun; 代理长官拔出了枪; In the fight that followed 一场战斗过后, He laid that deputy down. 他撂倒了代理长官。 Then he took to the trees and timber 于是他跑向河岸, Along the river shore, 躲进了大森林, Hiding on the river bottom 藏在了河床底下, And he never come back no more. 从此无踪无影。 Yes, he took to the trees and timber 是的,他躲进了森林, To live a life of shame; 从此羞辱身上背; Every crime in Oklahoma 每一桩俄克拉荷马的罪案, Was added to his name. 都被说成是他所为。 But a many a starvin' farmer 但是无数饥饿的农民, The same old story told 都讲述着同样的故事, How the outlaw paid their mortgage 多亏这个亡命徒付了抵押款, And saved their little homes. 才能保全住他们的房子。 Others tell you 'bout a stranger 还有人总谈起一个陌生人, That come to beg a meal, 他向你讨顿饱饭把肚填, Underneath his napkin 餐巾下留下的票子 Left a thousand-dollar bill. 足足有一千美元。 It was in Oklahoma City, 这是俄克拉荷马城, It was on a Christmas Day, 又是一个圣诞节, There was a whole car load of groceries 一辆车子满载食物开来, Come with a note to say: 附着一张条子这样写: "Well, you say that I'm an outlaw, “是呀,你说我是个亡命徒, You say that I'm a thief. 你说我嗜偷成性。 Here's a Christmas dinner 这里有一车圣诞晚餐, For the families on relief." 送给要领救济的家庭。” Yes, as through this world I've wandered 是啊,我踏遍了这个世界, I've seen lots of funny men; 见识过许多有趣的伙计; Some will rob you with a six-gun, 他们有些掏枪打劫你, And some with a fountain pen. 有些却只需一只自来水笔。 And as through your life you travel, 是啊,你游尽这辈子, Yes, as through your life you roam, 你行遍这一世, You won't never see an outlaw 也不会看见有哪个亡命徒 Drive a family from their home. 会将一家人赶出他们的房子。