Frank's Wild Years 作词 : Waits Well Frank settled down in the Valleyand hung his wild yearson a nail that he drove throughhis wife's foreheadhe sold used office furnitureout there on San Fernando Roadand assumed a $30,000 loanat 15 1/4 % and put down paymenton a little two bedroom placehis wife was a spent piece of used jet trashmade good bloody maryskept her mouth shut most of the timehad a little Chihuahua named Carlosthat had some kind of skin diseaseand was totally blind. They had athoroughly modern kitchenself-cleaning oven (the whole bit) Frank drove a little sedanthey were so happy One night Frank was on his way homefrom work, stopped at the liquor store,picked up a couple Mickey's Big Mouthsdrank 'em in the car on his wayto the Shell station, he got a gallon ofgas in a can, drove home, dousedeverything in the house, torched it,parked across the street, laughing,watching it burn, all Halloweenorange and chimney red then Frank put on a top forty stationgot on the Hollywood Freewayheaded north Never could stand that dog