Till I Lost (Demo) a coffee stain on a window sill a bad translation to a foreign film maybe just walking around with you walking these towns with you ohhhh would be enough a tiny crack on the city stone no welcome back to your troubled home maybe just just walking around with you just walking around with you ohhhh would be enough ohhhhhhh I didn't see the sea till I crossed ohhhhhhh I didn't feel her love till I lost moving shadows on a swaying light these dusty pillows that I hold at night or maybe just walking around with you just walking around with you ohhhh that would be enough the Mark he gives the Phil a drugs her little feet on my creaking floors oh maybe just just walking around with you say just walking around with you say ohhhh might be enough ohhhhhhh I didn't see the sea till I crossed ohhhhhhh I didn't feel her love till I lost ohhhhhhh I didn't see the sea till I crossed ohhhhhhh I didn't feel her love till I lost oh oh till I lost