Shed So Many Tears (Tribute) I shall not fear no man but God 原来,我除了上帝一直无所畏惧 Though I walk through the valley of death 但我徘徊在死亡边缘的时候我知道我错了 I shed so many tears (if I should die before I wake) 流了很多眼泪【我真的要在活的明白之前死去吗】 Please God walk with me (grab a ***** and take me to Heaven) 祈祷主的宽恕并带我去天堂 Back in elementary, I thrived on misery 我的生命从痛苦开始 Left me alone I grew up amongst a dyin breed 独自一人在生死存亡的世界成长 Inside my mind couldn’t find a place to rest 我从未停止过思考 until I got that Thug Life tatted on my chest 直到我把“Thug Life”刺在我的身上【Thug Life恶棍生涯,另外一种解释是’The Hate U Give Little Infants, **** Everybody’,其中字母I用一颗子弹代替。纹于1992年。这里也暗示2pac在那个时候已经将自己的人生下了定义】 Tell me can you feel me? I’m not livin in the past, you wanna last 你该明白我了吧?我不能总是活在过去的阴影里 Be tha first to blast, remember Kato 还记得Kato吗?【Kato,2pac在帮派中的挚友,因为2500美元在洛杉矶的家门口死于劫杀,他死后2pac将自己在亚特兰大的一栋房子让给他的家人住】 No longer with us he’s deceased 他才离开我们没多少时间 Call on the sirens, seen him murdered in the streets 也给大家提个醒:不要重蹈他的覆辙 Now rest in peace 安息吧兄弟 Is there heaven for a G? Remember me 如果天堂肯收留一个浪子,请记得给我留一个位子 So many homies in the cemetery, shed so many tears 为了身边那些逝去的生命我不止一次的泪如雨下了 Ahh, I suffered through the years, and shed so many tears.. 混迹了多少年,就流了多少泪 Lord, I lost so many peers, and shed so many tears 想到这些就忍不住痛哭流涕 Now that I’m strugglin in this business, by any means 现在的我都得忙于生活和生意【business双关:一指代“帮派”生活的艰辛“麻烦缠身”,二指代音乐事业的难做“前两张专辑都饱受争议”】 Label me greedy gettin green, but seldom seen 不知不觉我的欲望开始膨胀 And **** the world cause I’m cursed, I’m havin visions 草泥马,我被这操蛋的世界诅咒了 我甚至可以看到 of leavin here in a hearse, God can you feel me? 睡在棺材里的自己 主呀你看到了吗 Take me away from all the pressure, and all the pain 让我从这该死的痛苦和压力中解脱吧 Show me some happiness again, I’m goin blind 我还没有失明为什么却看不到一丝丝的幸福 I spend my time in this cell, ain’t livin well 花了很多时间去研究如何去解脱却一无所获 I know my destiny is Hell, where did I fail? 天生就该下地狱的我计较TMD什么失败 My life is in denial, and when I die, 可能连我挂了都会遗臭万年吧 baptized in eternal fire I’ll shed so many tears 涅磐重生的时候我肯定会喜极而泣 Ahh, I suffered through the years, and shed so many tears.. 混迹了多少年,就流了多少泪 Lord, I lost so many peers, and shed so many tears 想到这些就忍不住痛哭流涕 Now I’m lost and I’m weary, so many tears 现在的我除了眼泪漫无目的 I’m suicidal, so don’t stand near me 离我远些让我自生自灭吧 My every move is a calculated step, to bring me closer 我的一举一动都在掌控之中 只为了 to embrace an early death, now there’s nothin left 早一些解脱 但全都失败了 There was no mercy on the streets, I couldn’t rest 他们不愿宽恕我给我任何机会 I’m barely standin, bout to go to pieces, screamin peace 我咬紧牙关奄奄一息想要进行最后的反击 And though my soul was deleted, I couldn’t see it 但我看不到我那早已丢掉的魂魄 I had my mind full of demons tryin to break free 脑海里面只有想要挣脱束缚的恶魔 They planted seeds and they hatched, sparkin the flame 他们预谋已久 inside my brain like a match, such a dirty game 只是为了那让我痛不欲生的勾当 No memories, just a misery 行尸走肉般遭受着折磨 Paintin a picture of my enemies killin me, in my sleep 我脑海总会浮现敌人手刃我的画面 Will I survive til the mo’nin, to see the sun 反复折磨得我生不如死还不如直接做了我 Please Lord forgive me for my sins, cause here I come… 亲爱的神,伟大的神,你可以怪我太过无知而我只是人【借天才少年宋岳庭的词来告慰另一位说唱天才】 Ahh, I suffered through the years, and shed so many tears.. 混迹了多少年,就流了多少泪 Lord, I lost so many peers, and shed so many tears 想到这些就忍不住痛哭流涕 Lord knows I.. tried, been a witness to homicide 亲爱的神你也看到了我的努力 Seen drivebys takin lives, little kids die 但对于飞来横祸我也只能爱莫能助 Wonder why as I walk by 为什么我总是会 Broken-hearted as I glance at the chalk line, gettin high 看到那些让人悲恸不已的场景【chalk line:粉笔画的线,通常表示死者在案发现场的位置】 This ain’t the life for me, I wanna change 我想要改变这种不属于我的生活 But ain’t no future right for me, I’m stuck in the game 但对于未来我却又没有准确的方向 I’m trapped inside a maze 深陷迷雾的我 See this Tanqueray influenced me to gettin crazy 有时只能用酒精来麻痹自己【Tanqueray:金酒中的极品名酿,深厚干洌,由美国最著名的进口金酒哥顿公司和添加利公司联名出品】 Disillusioned lately, I’ve been really wantin babies 酒醒之后,我想我总得有个孩子吧 so I could see a part of me that wasn’t always shady 我也看到了自己那顽劣性格中好的地方 Don’t trust my lady, cause she’s a product of this poison 我才不相信我的那个罪魁祸首的马子 I’m hearin noises, think she ****in all my boys, can’t take no more 我甚至可以听到她和我的朋友们翻云覆雨的龌蹉动静 I’m fallin to the floor; beggin for the Lord to let me in 说来说去,我只祈祷亲爱的主能让我上天堂 to Heaven’s door — shed so many tears 唉,说着说着眼泪又不争气的流了下来 (Dear God, please let me in) 亲爱的神,请收留我吧 Lord, I’ve lost so many years, and shed so many tears.. 想到这些就忍不住痛哭流涕 I lost so many peers, and shed so many tears 我失去了太多太多的东西 Ahh, I suffered through the years, and shed so many tears.. 混迹了多少年,就流了多少泪 Lord, I lost so many peers, and shed so many tears 想到这些就忍不住痛哭流涕