Watching The World Cry Sometimes it doesn't really matterrn Who is wrong or rightrn For all the really mattersrn Is that we stop the fightrn All we gotta do isrn Put our differences to the sidernrn We've all got an opportunityrn To make a changern Stop booing in fingersrn Saying who's to blamern It's time for us to recognizern That we are all the samernrn So can we try to make it rightrn Cuz I don't know why we fuss in fightrn When you and Irn We're sitting here watching the world cryrnrn Forget about the colourrnOf one man's skinrn See that's where the problemrn Always beginsrn What's it gonna takes for us torn Judge each other by what's withinrnrnIt shouldn't really matterrn About the way we prayrn How we choose to live our livesrn From day to dayrn And there's no need for us torn Always want to have the last sayrn Nooornrn So can we try to make it rightrn Cuz I don't know why we fuss in fightrn When you and Irn We're sitting here watching the world cryrnrn So can we try to make it rightrn Cuz I don't know why we fuss in fightrn When you and Irn We're sitting here watching the world cryrnrn Let's come together andrn Start playing as a teamrn No need to throw itrn All awayrn Because there's way too muchrn And stay for us to seern muchrnrnAnd I know we can do so can we rnIf we try I don't know rnI don't know why you and You and Irn we're sitting here watching the world cryrnrn can we rightrnCan we try to make it I don't know fightrnWe fuss in you and You and Irn We're sitting here watching the world goes by So can we try to make it rightrn Cuz I don't know why we fuss in fightrn