Far More Mansions, Hills, and Acres Women, Drinks, and Caterers I will toast intil the Break of Dawn Swimming Pools and Strippers Conversation, Six figures Never crossed my mind to call home.... (chorus) There's a note on the bathroom mirror Telling me that you had enough It took you leavin me for my blind eyes to see That you mean (far more) Than this planet to me (far more) Than the air i breath (far more) From here to overseas (far more) Girl, you're all i need (far more) Than the mountains and tree (far more) You mean more than the birds and bees (far more) Honey take it from me (far more) You are all i need Hanging out with friends Never calling to check in Neglecting you in every way. Taking the home front for granted What was straight now is slanted And i don't know what to do about this letter (chorus) There's a note on the bathroom mirror Telling me that you had enough It took you leavin me for my blind eyes to see That you mean (far more) More than this planet to me (far more) More than the air i breath (far more) From here to overseas (far more) Girl, you're all i need (far more) Than the mountains and tree (far more) Than the birds and bees (far more) Honey take it from me (far more) You are all i need Shoo-wop, shoo-wop Skiddle-ee bee bop Hip hop Shoo-wop, shoo-wop, Skiddle-ee, bee bop Hip hop Shoo-wop, shoo-wop, Skiddle-ee, bee bop Hip hop Far more, far more Shoo-wop, shoo-wop Skiddle-ee bee bop Hip hop Shoo-wop, shoo-wop, Skiddle-ee, bee bop Hip hop Shoo-wop, shoo-wop, Skiddle-ee, bee bop Hip hop Far more to me..... (chorus) There's a note on the bathroom mirror Telling me that you had enough It took you leavin me for my blind eyes to see That you mean (far more) More than this planet to me (far more) More than the air i breath (far more) From here to overseas (far more) Girl, you're all i need (far more) Yeah (far more) Ever since you been gone (far more) I've realized girl (far more) Just what it is I had at home (far more) Oh, baby you mean far more (far more) Than this planet to me (far more) Than this air i breathe (far more) Nothing can compare (far more) To your love for me (far more) To your love for me (far more) To your love for me (far more) To your love for me *fade out*