Can't Run But I can't run but I can walk much faster than this Can't run but I can't run but I can walk much faster than this Can't run but A cooling system Burns out in the UkraineTrees and umbrellas Protect us from the new rain Armies of engineers To analyze the soil The food we contemplate The water that we boil I can't run but I can walk much faster than this Can't run but I can't run but I can walk much faster than this Can't run but I had a dream about us In the bottles and the bones of the night I felt a pain in my shoulder blade' Twas like a pencil point, a love bite A couple was rubbing against us Rubbing and doing that new dance The man was wearing a jacket and jeans The woman was laughing in advance I can't run but I can walk much faster than this Can't run but I can't run but I can walk much faster than this Cannot run but A winding river Gets wound around a heart, pull it Tighter and tighter Until the muddy waters part Down by the river bank A blues band arrives The music suffers, baby The music business thrives, oh I can't run but I can walk much faster than this Cannot run but I can't run but I can walk much faster than this Can't run but