아름다운 피아노 클래식 (The Beautiful Classical Song For Piano) ( R.Schumann 어린이정경(kinderszenen) op15)(A.Dvor专辑 - Shim'z Music
From The Bohemian Woods, Op.68 - 제사실(製絲室)에서 (In The Spinning Room) Allegro Molto, D Major
Shim'z Music
From The Bohemian Woods, Op.68 - 폭풍의 때 (In Stormy Times) Allegro Con Fuoco, A Minor
Shim'z Music
Kinderszenen, Op.15 - 시인의 이야기 (Der Dichter Spricht), G Major
Shim'z Music
From The Bohemian Woods, Op.68 - 고요한 숲 (Forest Calm) Lento E Molto Cantabile, D Flat Major
Shim'z Music
Kinderszenen, Op.15 - 어린이는 잠잔다 (Kind im Einschlummern) E Minor
Shim'z Music
Kinderszenen, Op.15 - 공갈 (Furchtenmachen), E Minor
Shim'z Music
From The Bohemian Woods, Op.68 - 망대(望臺)에서 (On The Watch) Allegro Comodo, F Major
Shim'z Music
From The Bohemian Woods, Op.68 - 발프르기스의 밤 (Walpurgis Night) Molto Vivace, B Flat Major
Shim'z Music
Kinderszenen, Op.15 - 약이 올라서 (Fast zu ernst), G Sharp Minor
Shim'z Music
Kinderszenen, Op.15 - 목마의 기사 (Ritter vom Steckenpferd), C Major
Shim'z Music
Kinderszenen, Op.15 - 난롯가에서 (Am Camin), F Major
Shim'z Music
Kinderszenen, Op.15 - 큰 사건 (Wichtige Begebenheit), A Major
Shim'z Music
Kinderszenen, Op.15 - 만족 (Gluckes genug), D Major
Shim'z Music
Kinderszenen, Op.15 - 조르는 아이 (Bittendes Kind), D Major
Shim'z Music
From The Bohemian Woods, Op.68 - 어두운 호수에서 (By The Black Lake) Lento, F Sharp Minor/Major
Shim'z Music
Kinderszenen, Op.15 - 꿈 (Traumerei), F Major
Shim'z Music
Kinderszenen, Op.15 - 술래잡기 (Hasche-Mann) , b Minor
Shim'z Music
Kinderszenen, Op.15 - 이상한 이야기 (Kuriose Geschichte), in D major
Shim'z Music
Kinderszenen, Op.15 - 미지의 나라들 (Von fremden Landern und Menschen), in G major
Shim'z Music