ADAM, A.: Giselle [Ballet] (Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, Marriner)专辑 - Academy of St. Martin in the Fields
Giselle:Act II: Entree de Loys - Pas de deux
Academy of St. Martin in the Fields
Giselle:Act II: Entree d'Hilarion scene et fugue des Wilis - Grand pas de deux
Academy of St. Martin in the Fields
Giselle:Act II: Variation de Loys
Academy of St. Martin in the Fields
Giselle:Act II: Scene des Wilis
Academy of St. Martin in the Fields
Giselle:Act II: Apparition de Myrthe et evocation magique (Myrthe Appears - Magical Evocation)
Academy of St. Martin in the Fields
Giselle:Act II: Apparition de Giselle (Apparition of Giselle)
Academy of St. Martin in the Fields
Giselle:Act II: Introduction, halte des chasseurs et apparition des feux follets (The Huntsmen Rest
Academy of St. Martin in the Fields
Giselle:Act II: Finale
Academy of St. Martin in the Fields
Giselle:Act II: Variation de Giselle
Academy of St. Martin in the Fields
Giselle:Act I: Loys seul at entree de Giselle - Scene d'amour
Academy of St. Martin in the Fields
Giselle:Act I: Retour de la vendange et valse (The Grape-Pickers Return)
Academy of St. Martin in the Fields
Giselle:Act I: La chasse (The Hunt)
Academy of St. Martin in the Fields
Giselle:Act I: Entree du Prince
Academy of St. Martin in the Fields
Giselle:Act I: Finale
Academy of St. Martin in the Fields
Giselle:Act I: Variation de Giselle
Academy of St. Martin in the Fields
Giselle:Act I: Marche des vignerons (Grape-Pickers' March)
Academy of St. Martin in the Fields
Giselle:Act I: Pas seul - Pas de deux des jeunes paysans
Academy of St. Martin in the Fields
Giselle:Act I: Les vendangeurs
Academy of St. Martin in the Fields
Giselle:Act I: Introduction
Academy of St. Martin in the Fields